(Un)fashion Talk(ing)
[...] “The Greek portion of the community in the large towns, who consider it the “thing” to copy European dress, generally forsake the picturesque native costume for Whitechapel slops, and their women-folk look perfect frights in awful native versions of Paris fashions of ten or fifteen years ago; though I am glad to say that this craze for aping European customs and manners is at present confined to the larger coast towns, and there only among a certain class, middlemen and shopkeepers, and in the more remote villages in the interior of the island the natives are unspoilt and hardly changed from their earlier ancestors in their mode of living.” [...] Basil Stewart (a traveler in Cyprus between 1905 and 1906).
Stewart Basil, "My Expeditions to the Island of Cyprus", London, 1908 (published in “The Island of Cyprus: A Photographic Itinerary from the 19th to the 20th Century, Luicie Bonato, Haris Yakoumis and Kadir Kaba, Publications En Tipis, 2007)
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