An improvised Cypriot version of cricket, which is much more fun and needs no equipment... I am wondering if the game is older than the colonial period... I couldn't find anything on the web, but the following text, which describes a simplified version of the game: "There are several versions of this game, with the payers agreeing before-hand on the way the game is to be played and on the "punishement" of the losers. One version is as follows:
The "lingri" - a piece of wood about 30 cm long and 3cm in diameter - is placed on two vertical slabs - the "niskia" - which are 15cm apart. The first player tries to knock the "lingri" into the air by striking it with the "lingra", "verka" or "lingroverka" which is a stick about 65-70cm long; before the "lingra" fails to the ground the player tries to knock it into the air again and hurl it as far as possible; then he runs to where the "lingri" has fallen and strikes it again with the stick trying to knock it into the air and again to hurl it as far as possible. The player who manages to hit the "lingri" the furthest is the winner." saurce
that is soo so awesome:o
i wana play!
My memory of this (very vague) was that it was much more complicated than this. I seem to remember the "fielders" attempting to throw the lingri back to the stones at the base and trying to knock them down. Does anyone know any more details?
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