Sunday, November 18, 2007


Today I am feeling much better so I got out of my bed and accepted the invitation of Andrea (my doctor).

We had a drink together in the morning

Then I went to his house and saw Vesuvio by his window

He also cooked a healthy soup for me

In the afternoon we went to Capodimonte Museum and we saw many violent things:

Like those two elegant Lucretias killing themselves

(The first one by Francesco Mazzola known as iI Parmigiani and the second by Ignoto Lombardo)

Cute Cain killing his cute brother Abel

(by Leonello Spada)

Quite naked Jesus getting flagellated

(by Caravaggio)

We also saw Leonardo da Vinci’s St John the Baptist (a copy I hope) falling apart

at the bookshop I realized that I have missed my favorite violent painting, Judith cutting of the head of holofernes by Artemisia Gentileschi, the museum was closing so I bought the postcard...



Very interesting details.
The Lucretia
is beautiful, Kain and Abel in a very tensive moment and Caravaggio's Jesus
..i find it unique.
Wishes for a quick recovery

Pablo Leon de la Barra said...

very hot docotor.
do you think he can cure me when i'm sick?

Mill Ends Park said...

he is my familly doctor Mr!!! :)